wgs2utm (version 2)

버전 (3.1 KB) 작성자: alexandre schimel
Convert WGS84 coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) into UTM coordinates (northing, easting).
다운로드 수: 7.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2012/2/1

라이선스 보기

function similar to Rafael Palacios's deg2utm.m but using formulas from "Map Projections - A Working Manual" by J.P. Snyder (1987) for better precision in Southern hemisphere.

This second version allows forcing UTM zone and hemisphere in input, but can still be used like the previous version in which the function finds the appropriate zone.

Lat=[48.866667; 34.05; -36.85 ];
Lon=[2.333056; -118.25; 174.783333];
% data zones:
[x1,y1,utmzone1,utmhemi1] = wgs2utm(Lat,Lon)
% forced zone:
[x2,y2,utmzone2,utmhemi2] = wgs2utm(Lat,Lon,60,'S')

인용 양식

alexandre schimel (2024). wgs2utm (version 2) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/14804-wgs2utm-version-2), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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completed descriptions and examples

Following requests, this second version allows forcing utm input