
버전 (8.38 KB) 작성자: Sebastian Hölz
Draw a colored line in 2D or 3D
다운로드 수: 6.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2007/4/16

라이선스 보기

There are several files on the FEX which deal with the plotting of colored lines, but they all have some drawbacks. I wrote a little file, which extends the scope of the submission by Kun Liu (s. below, hoping to deliver a general purpose file, which should work for most purposes.

h = cline(x, y [, z, cdata])

x: vector with x-values
y: vector with y-values
z (opt.): vector with z-values
cdata (opt.): vector with color-data

2 input arguments => cdata = y; z=0
3 input arguments => cdata = z
4 i.a. & z = [] => cdata = y; z=0

h: Handle to line (i.e. patch-object !!!)

t = 2*pi:.1:8*pi;

cline(sqrt(t).*sin(t), sqrt(t).*cos(t));
cline(sqrt(t).*sin(t), sqrt(t).*cos(t), t);
cline(sqrt(t).*sin(t), sqrt(t).*cos(t), t, rand(size(t))); view(3)
cline(sqrt(t).*sin(t), sqrt(t).*cos(t), [], rand(size(t))); view(3)

OK, hope you find this file useful


인용 양식

Sebastian Hölz (2024). cline (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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