To test the enclosed code, kindly run the files in order:
For DR number of failures reported in Fig. 5:
1- PendulumQlearnDR.m
2- CountFails_DR.m
For Nearest, FERL, FERLHull reported in Fig. 5:
1- Fuzzification.m
2- PendulumQlearn.m
3- CountFails_Nearest.m
4- CountFails_mFERL.m
5- CountFails_FERL.m
The codes are uploaded on File Exchange - MATLAB Central for reproducibility by fellow researchers.
To reproduce the results in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, kindly run:
1- In MATLAB command: load agent1; load agent2;
load agent3; load agent4;
l=7; m=2; %initial parameters
li=6; mi=2.5; %initial estimates
2- The file Ensemble_Pendulum_RAL2024_Simulink_2018a
Base code is used from [1].
[1] Matthew Sheen (2023). Reinforcement Learning Example - Pendulum Controller w/ Animation (, GitHub. Retrieved September 15, 2023.
인용 양식
Abdel Gafoor Haddad (2025). RL Ensemble (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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