GenericDialog for Matlab

버전 1.0 (23.5 KB) 작성자: David Legland
A simple generic dialog for Matlab, to quickly prompt a set of parameters.
다운로드 수: 6
업데이트 날짜: 2023/7/26


A simple generic dialog for Matlab, to quickly prompt a set of parameters. The design is based on the "GenericDialog" class from the ImageJ software, and mimics its functionalities.

The implementation is based on the GUILayout Toolbox, making the dialog easily resizable.


% create a new dialog, and populate it with some fields
% each option is defined by a name, a default value, and optionnal settings
gd = GenericDialog('Create Image');
addTextField(gd, 'Name: ', 'New Image');
addNumericField(gd, 'Width: ', 320, 0);
addNumericField(gd, 'Height: ', 200, 0);
addChoice(gd, 'Type: ', {'uint8', 'uint16', 'double'}, 'uint8');
addCheckBox(gd, 'Display', true);
% display the dialog, and wait for user input
% check if ok or canceled was clicked
if wasCanceled(gd)
% retrieve the user inputs
name    = getNextString(gd);
width   = getNextNumber(gd);
height  = getNextNumber(gd);
type    = getNextString(gd);
display = getNextBoolean(gd);
% Create a new image based on user inputs, and display it if requested
img = zeros([height width], type);
if display

Sample dialog as created by "GenericDialog"

인용 양식

David Legland (2024). GenericDialog for Matlab (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2023a
모든 릴리스와 호환
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