struct data Serialize-Deserialization

버전 1.0.0 (8.47 KB) 작성자: cui,xingxing
matlab struct or struct array Serialize/Deseriali​ze
다운로드 수: 16
업데이트 날짜: 2023/4/22

MATLAB struct data serialization for generated code

Support run-time data saving and loading in the generated code to simplify tricky wrapper calls to low-level functions such as fread, fwrite, etc. Comparable performance and storage size with commonly used C++ open source serialization libraries (e.g. boost.Serialization,Cereal, etc.).


Features And Limitions

  • Support for scalar structure and arrays of structures
  • Support any level of nesting of structures or arrays
  • Support for structure field value base types, 'double', 'single', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'logical', 'char', 'string', ' struct'
  • The sub-field of a structure or an array supports at most 3-dimensional arrays
  • The field type of a structure or array with the same field name should be consistent

Compare matlab build-in functions

some build-in functions:

  •,read data files at run time in generated code,it can support C/C++ code generation
  • coder.write,write data files that the generated code reads at run time,current R2023a it doesn't support C/C++ code generation
  • coder.load, only load MAT-file or ASCII file,doesn't support generated code at run time
  • load,only load MAT-file or ASCII file,doesn't support generated code at run time
  • readstruct,current only support read structure from "xml" file,it doesn't support generated code at run time
  • writestruct,current only support write matlab structure to "xml" file,it doesn't support generated code at run time

this project functions

  • readStructBin,read data files at run time in generated code,current it doesn't support C/C++ generation
  • writeStructBin,write data files that the generated code reads at run time,it support C/C++ generation





S = readStructBin(configFileName,binaryFileName)


For example, to save the structure S1 to the "data.cfg" and "data.stdata" files in the current working directory. The structure S1 fields has four types of parameters: "a", "b", "c", "d", and the sub-field "c" is actually a nested structure with three field names: "A", "B", and "C":

S1 = struct("a",1,...

Then define the description file configFileName and the binary file name binaryFileName that needs to be saved, the two names are preferably the same except for the suffix, the purpose is to match the subsequent consistency and avoid wrong reads.

configFileName = "data.cfg";% Available for manual reading
binaryFileName = "data.stdata";

After a successful write to the file, then execute readStructBin function.

S2 = readStructBin(configFileName,binaryFileName);

After successfully reading in the file, you can find that S1 and S2 results are the same!

인용 양식

cui,xingxing (2024). struct data Serialize-Deserialization (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2023a
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