ALE: Support Vector Regression using different kernels

버전 1.0.0 (15.7 KB) 작성자: ABHILASH SINGH
Matlab code: A machine learning approach to predict the average localization error with applications to wireless sensor networks
다운로드 수: 106
업데이트 날짜: 2023/4/15

라이선스 보기

This file contains the code for
Singh, Abhilash, et al. "A machine learning approach to predict the average localization error with applications to wireless sensor networks." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 208253-208263.
If you are using this code or found this useful then please refer/cite the above manuscript.
To understand more about SVM you can refer to my YouTube video:

인용 양식

ABHILASH SINGH (2024). ALE: Support Vector Regression using different kernels (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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