% [MergedDataTable] = MergeTables(Table1,Table2,Table2SheetName)
% Merges two tables (from excel files) making sure that the imported tables
% have same dataformat
% input: Table1 (table or filepath-string to the master table which
% decides the dataformat of the merged table)
% Table2 (filepath-string to the seccond table with data to be
% added to the Table1)
% Table2SheetName Sheet name of Table2 (String)
% output MergedDataTable contains the outer join of the two tables
% CC Swerim
인용 양식
Micke Malmström (2025). MergeTables (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/118130-mergetables), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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