Find zero crossings for a given 2D curve.

버전 1.0.1 (29.7 KB) 작성자: Peter Seibold
The code is very simple and needs only one line for basic results.
다운로드 수: 40
업데이트 날짜: 2022/7/21

라이선스 보기

Find zero crossings of a given 2D curve.
If the curve is noisy, you might consider to smooth it beforehand,
e.g. with
Full call:
1 x: x-values. Vector with numbers.
2 y: y-values. Vector with numbers.
Optional value:
You may omit it.
3 Interpolate: 0: x zero position is nearest sample left of zero crossing
1: x zero position is at nearest sample
2: linear interpolation(default)
Zerox: Vector with zero x-positions
Empty vector for no zeros at all.
Processing time on my PC for 10^6 samples and 3.4*10^5 zero crossings is:
0) x zero position left of zero crossing: 9 ms
1) x zero position is at nearest sample: 21 ms
2) linear interpolation (default): 21 ms
If you process always in the same manner, you can delete many code lines.
E.g. you want allways all x zero position left of zero crossing:
Or you want allways all x zero position with linear interpolation:
Zindx = find(diff(sign(y)));
Or you want only ascending zero crosses with linear interpolation:
Zindx = find(diff(sign(y))>0);%ascending zero crossings.
% For desending: Zindx = find(diff(sign(y))<0);%descending zero crossings.

인용 양식

Peter Seibold (2024). Find zero crossings for a given 2D curve. (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Some changes in demo.
