
버전 1.1.0 (48.3 KB) 작성자: Ibrahim Seleem
Develop motion planning based orientation of robotic manipulator
다운로드 수: 54
업데이트 날짜: 2023/2/25

Dynamic-Movement-Primitives (Orientation representation) [![View Demonstration-Guided-Motion-Planning on File Exchange]View Dynamic-Movement-Primitives-Orientation-representation- on File Exchange

Author: Ibrahim A. Seleem Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3733-4982

This code is mofified based on different resources including

[1] "dmp_bbo: Matlab library for black-box optimization of dynamical movement primitives.", Freek Stulp, Robotics and Computer Vision, ENSTA-ParisTech

[2] Ude, A., Nemec, B., Petrić, T., & Morimoto, J. "Orientation in cartesian space dynamic movement primitives."

[3] Seleem, I. A., El-Hussieny, H., Assal, S. F., & Ishii, H. "Development and stability analysis of an imitation learning-based pose planning approach for multi-section continuum robot."

[4] Seleem, I. A., Assal, S. F., Ishii, H., & El-Hussieny, H. "Guided pose planning and tracking for multi-section continuum robots considering robot dynamics."

If you use this code in the context of a publication, I would appreciate it if you could cite our previous work as follows:

@article{seleem2019guided, title={Guided pose planning and tracking for multi-section continuum robots considering robot dynamics}, author={Seleem, Ibrahim A and Assal, Samy FM and Ishii, Hiroyuki and El-Hussieny, Haitham}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={7}, pages={166690--166703}, year={2019}, publisher={IEEE} }

@article{seleem2020development, title={Development and stability analysis of an imitation learning-based pose planning approach for multi-section continuum robot}, author={Seleem, Ibrahim A and El-Hussieny, Haitham and Assal, Samy FM and Ishii, Hiroyuki}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={8}, pages={99366--99379}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} }

How to use the toolbox:

1- Install robotic toolbox 2- Run main_RUN.m (change the number of basis function to enhance the DMP performance) 3- Add your own orinetation data in quaternion format in generateTrajquat.m.

인용 양식

Ibrahim Seleem (2024). Dynamic-Movement-Primitives-Orientation-representation- (https://github.com/ibrahimseleem/Dynamic-Movement-Primitives-Orientation-representation-), GitHub. 검색됨 .

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Add note: install robotic toolbox


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