Multivariate Newton’s Method (newtons_method_n)

버전 2.2.0 (295 KB) 작성자: Tamas Kis
Newton's method for finding the root of a differentiable, multivariate, vector-valued function.
다운로드 수: 350
업데이트 날짜: 2022/10/17

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Newton's method for finding the root of a differentiable, multivariate, vector-valued function.


x = newtons_method_n(f,J,x0)
x = newtons_method_n(f,J,x0,opts)
[x,k] = newtons_method_n(__)
[x,k,x_all] = newtons_method_n(__)


x = newtons_method_n(f,J,x0) returns the root of a multivariate, vector-valued function specified by the function handle f, where J is the Jacobian of with respect to (i.e. ) and where x0 () is an initial guess of the root.

x = newtons_method_n(f,J,x0,opts) does the same as the syntax above, but allows for the specification of optional solver parameters. opts is a structure with the following fields:

  • k_max → maximum number of iterations (defaults to 200)
  • return_all → returns estimates at all iteration if set to true (defaults to false)
  • TOL → tolerance (defaults to )

[x,k] = newtons_method_n(__) also returns the number of iterations (k) performed of Newton's method.

[x,k,x_all] = newtons_method_n(__) does the same as the previous syntaxes, but also returns an array (x_all) storing the root estimates at each iteration. This syntax requires that opts.return_all be set to true.


Examples and Additional Documentation

  • See "EXAMPLES.mlx" or the "Examples" tab on the File Exchange page for examples.
  • See "Root_Finding_Methods.pdf" (also included with download) for the technical documentation.

인용 양식

Tamas Kis (2024). Multivariate Newton’s Method (newtons_method_n) (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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