INPOLY: A fast points-in-polygon test

버전 (138 KB) 작성자: Darren Engwirda
A fast test to determine point inclusion for general polygonal geometries.
다운로드 수: 13.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2020/12/19

INPOLY computes the intersection between a set of points and a general polygonal region in the plane, returning the 'inside', 'outside' and 'boundary' status for each vertex. General non-convex and multiply-connected polygonal regions can be handled. INPOLY is intended as a fast replacement for MATLAB's default INPOLYGON routine.

See POLYDEMO to get started with a set of example problems:

polydemo(1); % a simple example
polydemo(2); % multiply-connected domains
polydemo(3); % speed comparison

INPOLY implements a sorted 'crossing-number' test designed to achieve fast performance for complex inputs. Given a configuration with N points and M polygon edges, INPOLY runs in approximately O((N+M)*LOG(N)) time on average, improving on the O(N*M) scaling of naive implementations.

인용 양식

Darren Engwirda (2024). INPOLY: A fast points-in-polygon test (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2018b
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