
버전 (2.34 KB) 작성자: Francisco de Castro
Single-figure plot of all correlations between the columns of an array and frequency distributions
다운로드 수: 3.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2012/6/19

라이선스 보기

%MCORR Multi-plot of all correlations between columns of a matrix
% MCORR (X) plots correlations between all possible combinations of the
% columns of array X, in a single figure. If the first argument is the
% name of a file in the current directory, mcorr reads
% it (including variable names in the first row) as X. Otherwise it is
% assumed that the first argument is an array, in which case consecutive
% numbers will be used as variable names. If there is a second (numeric)
% argument, mcorr will plot only the columns indicated in the second argument.
% The frequency distribution of each variable is plotted in the main
% diagonal with HIST using n/20 bins.
% It is unpractical to try to plot more than, say, 8 variables, since each
% individual plot becomes too small.
% OUTPUT= MCORR (X,'sig',ALPHA) calculates the correlation coefficient between
% each pair of columns and, if the correlation is sgnificant at the ALPHA
% level, points are plotted in red and the column numbers, corr. coefficient
% and p-value are returned in the OUTPUT array. Requires Statistical Toolbox
% OUTPUT= MCORR (X,...,'corr',CORTYPE) specifies the type of correlation,
% allowed values are 'Pearson' (default), 'Spearman' and 'Kendall'
% mcorr ('myfile')
% mcorr ('myfile',[1:5])
% mcorr (X,[3:6])
% output= mcorr (X,'sig',0.05)
% Last modified: Jun. 2012

인용 양식

Francisco de Castro (2024). mcorr (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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개발 환경: R2008b
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Frequency distributions in main diagonal
Other correlations allowed (Spearman, Kendall)

Return Pearson coef. and p
Reduce example image size