Tab and subtabs

버전 (5.78 KB) 작성자: Micha³ Steuden
Tab with subtabs and deeper
다운로드 수: 1.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2006/3/10

라이선스 없음

This file will help you to build as many levels of GUI tabs as you wish
This function turns on/off controls with the specified value in the 'UserData'.
Place this function in your figure.m and insert the numbers in the uicontrols section ('Userdata') which will indicate connections between tabs. Click on uicontrol>>PropertyInspector>>Userdata>>set value

to turn off desired controls with the 'UserData'=[22; 213 ;25 ;214; 217; 2]
turn off all uicontrols with '2' : hideorshowcontrols(2,'off');

turn off all uicontrols with '21': hideorshowcontrols(21,'off');

%turn off only uicontrol '213' : hideorshowcontrols(213,'off');

%turn on only '2' : hideorshowcontrols(20,'on');

%turn on all except '22' and '2' : hideorshowcontrols([21 25],'on');

Finaly you can use this method to set another properties.

인용 양식

Micha³ Steuden (2024). Tab and subtabs (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

last 5 lines of hideorshowcontrols.m were unnecessary