Continuous/Discrete-Time SDRE: Gravity Compensation

버전 1.0.2 (11 KB) 작성자: Saeed Rafee Nekoo
This page presents the MATLAB codes for continuous and discrete-time SDRE controllers considering gravity compensation.
다운로드 수: 89
업데이트 날짜: 2021/10/26

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The codes present simulations for a manipulator and a hexacopter drone controlled by SDRE in the continuous and discrete-time domain. Gravity compensation was done to provide the signal for maintaining the system at desired condition. The codes are related to the article:
Nekoo, S.R., Acosta, J.Á., Ollero, A.: Gravity compensation and optimal control of actuated multibody system dynamics. IET Control Theory Applications. 1–15 (2021).

인용 양식

Nekoo, S.R., Acosta, J.Á., Ollero, A.: Gravity compensation and optimal control of actuated multibody system dynamics. IET Control Theory Appl. 1–15 (2021)

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2021b
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