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Why do I receive License Manager Error -10?

조회 수: 76,979 (최근 30일)
MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2009년 6월 27일
편집: MathWorks Support Team 2024년 5월 14일
Why do I receive the following error? 
License Manager Error -10 License checkout failed. Feature has expired.

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MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024년 9월 4일 0:00
편집: MathWorks Support Team 2024년 5월 14일
License Manager Error -10 indicates that one or more of your products has expired in your license file. It does not necessarily mean that your license in general has expired. When the entire license expires, all products on that license expire and can no longer be used. 

How can I tell if my license, in general, has expired?

If you are unsure if your license in general has expired, view your licenses in the License Center on mathworks.com. You can tell if your product has expired if its Term is Annual and the Service End Date is before today's date or if it is a trial license and the End Date is before today's date. If your product's Term is Perpetual, then your product does not expire.

If the License Center indicates that your products have not expired

...but you are receiving an error -10, see the troubleshooting steps below.
  • If you are using a network license, contact your License Administrator and ask them to make sure that the hosted license file is up to date. Otherwise:
    • If you are receiving this when attempting to open MATLAB, try reactivating your machine using these instructions.
    • If you are getting License Manager Error -10 when trying to use specific toolboxes, double-check that the toolbox on the license has not expired in the License Center.
      • If it has not and you are using an Individual or Designated Computer license, update it using these instructions.

If the License Center indicates that your products have expired

...then you will need to renew the license before using them.

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