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shared library in linux/ubuntu issue

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nav 2013년 10월 17일
댓글: Nav 2013년 10월 17일
Hello, Using matlab 2013a in Ubuntu 12.04 I wrote a small function in matlab, compiled it as a c++ shared library and wrote a c++ app to access the data from the library. It compiled ok. The problem is the app only works if I run as sudo. If I run as non sudo, I'm not able to initialize the compiled library, it returns false.
Any ideas? Its really important that I don't run as sudo.
Thank you, -Nav

답변 (1개)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013년 10월 17일
Did you change the ownership of the file and its access permissions?
( unix commands chmod chown)
  댓글 수: 1
Nav 2013년 10월 17일
Yes, I made sure user had read write access to the shared lib and chowned it so user is the owner. In both cases, sudo and non sudo , mclinitialzation seems to return true but libinitialzation returns false in non sudo case.

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