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How to have Matlab stop echoing the script file name in the command window when pressing F5?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I recently started to use Matlab 2013. Previously, I have used Matlab 2010. When I need to run a m-file, I usually press F5 key directly at the editor. However, after transferring to the 2013 version, I found that Matlab keeps echoing the name of the script file on the command window. As a person who got so used to the previous versions of Matlab, this new feature looks unnecessary and just makes the command windows messy. Is it possible to disable this feature in Matlab 2013?
  댓글 수: 1
Daniel 2013년 11월 8일
I have the same problem. I really tried to give it some time, but it is just disruptive. If there is a way to disable this "feature", please let me know.

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