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Dividing grouped data into equally sized subgroups

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
Maximilian Hauschel
Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 5일
댓글: Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 7일
Hello community,
for my current project i need to divide the values of a table for each group (parent-group) into 10 eqaully sized subgroups. The values within a parent-group are arranged hierarchically. By creating the subgroups, the hierarchical order has to remain, so that the first subgroup of a parent-group contains the lowest 10% of the values, the second subgroup of a parent group contains the next larger 10%-stack (>10% - 20%) of the values and so on. In the following, i will give an example:
Data = array2table(rand(1000,1));
Data.Properties.VariableNames{1} = 'Value';
ParentGroups = [1:1:10]';
Data.ParentGroups = repelem(ParentGroups,100);
Data = sortrows(Data,{'ParentGroups','Value'});
My first approach was to create the deciles of each group, which separate each parent-group into 10 equally sized parts. The problem here is, that the function i used simply outputs the values of the deciles, but there is no reference to their location in the original data. For creating the deciles, I used the following code:
decileFnc = @(x) prctile(x,[0:10:100]);
deciles = varfun(decileFnc,Data,'GroupingVariables','ParentGroups','InputVariables',1);
deciles.Fun_Value = string(deciles.Fun_Value);
deciles = [deciles(:,1:2),regexp(deciles.Fun_Value, '\s+', 'split')];
doubleFnc = @(x) double(x);
deciles = [deciles(:,1:2),varfun(doubleFnc,deciles,'InputVariables',3:13)];
The last block of code is used to unstack the output of varfun, i just shared it for the sake of completeness.
I'm really hoping for some help here and appreciate every answer.
  댓글 수: 2
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2021년 8월 5일
Maximillian, it's not clear what you are trying to do. Are you trying to tag each of the 1000 rows in the original data with the within-group decile that its value falls in, but preserve the original order of the data?
By the way, see the splitvars function. I thnk it replaces your last chunk of code.
Maximilian Hauschel
Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 5일
편집: Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 5일
Hello Peter,
you are right, i am trying exactly what you've just described. Sorry for not making that clear.
The tag doesn't necessarily need to be the value of the within-group decile, but an index that identifies the corresponding decile (for example, every value that's below the 6th within-group decile should be assigned the number 6)
And thank you for the hint!

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채택된 답변

Maximilian Hauschel
Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 6일
I struggled for a while, but finally figured out a way to solve the problem on my own. In case anyone except me cares, here is my solution:
G = groupcounts(Data,2);
G.GroupCount = double(G.GroupCount);
I used groupconts to identify the number of elements in each parent group
fnc = @(x) prctile(x,10:10:100);
deciles = splitapply(fnc,Data.Value,Data.ParentGroups);
A function to find the deciles within the parent groups, this time I used splitapply
Created an empty array that will contain an indicator of the within-group decile for every value
for i=1:10
for s=1:10
Data.Value(height(D)+1:sum(G{1:i,2}),1) <= deciles(i,s);
D(height(D)+1:height(D)+sum(ans),1) = s;
for every parentgroup i, the loop tests if its values are less than or equal to a decile deciles(i,s) and than assigns the corrosponding indicator s to the array D.
Data(:,3) = array2table(D);
Connecting the values with the indicators .

추가 답변 (1개)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2021년 8월 6일
>> x = rand(16,1);
>> g = repmat((1:2)',8,1);
>> t = table(g,x)
t =
16×2 table
g x
_ _______
1 0.81472
2 0.90579
1 0.12699
2 0.91338
1 0.63236
2 0.09754
1 0.2785
2 0.54688
1 0.95751
2 0.96489
1 0.15761
2 0.97059
1 0.95717
2 0.48538
1 0.80028
2 0.14189
Here's a function that takes a vector and returns the quartile bin in which each value falls.
function qbin = fun(x)
q = quantile(x,[0 .25 .5 .75 1]);
qbin = discretize(x,q);
Apply that function to each group of rows in the table.
>> tq = rowfun(@fun, t, "GroupingVariables","g")
tq =
16×3 table
g GroupCount Var3
_ __________ ____
1 8 3
1 8 1
1 8 2
1 8 2
1 8 4
1 8 1
1 8 4
1 8 3
2 8 3
2 8 3
2 8 1
2 8 2
2 8 4
2 8 4
2 8 2
2 8 1
rowfun has returned its output table in group order. To attach the quartile bin numbers to the correct rows of the original data, use the second output of sort.
>> [~,ord] = sort(t.g);
>> t.qbin(ord) = tq.Var3
t =
16×3 table
g x qbin
_ _______ ____
1 0.81472 3
2 0.90579 3
1 0.12699 1
2 0.91338 3
1 0.63236 2
2 0.09754 1
1 0.2785 2
2 0.54688 2
1 0.95751 4
2 0.96489 4
1 0.15761 1
2 0.97059 4
1 0.95717 4
2 0.48538 2
1 0.80028 3
2 0.14189 1
To make the result easier to confirm, sort by x within group; notice that the quartile bin numbers are as expected.
sortrows(t,["g" "qbin"])
ans =
16×3 table
g x qbin
_ _______ ____
1 0.12699 1
1 0.15761 1
1 0.63236 2
1 0.2785 2
1 0.81472 3
1 0.80028 3
1 0.95751 4
1 0.95717 4
2 0.09754 1
2 0.14189 1
2 0.54688 2
2 0.48538 2
2 0.90579 3
2 0.91338 3
2 0.96489 4
2 0.97059 4
  댓글 수: 1
Maximilian Hauschel
Maximilian Hauschel 2021년 8월 7일
Thank you Peter for sharing your solution. Didn't had the discretize function on my radar. That makes the whole thing way easyer. I'am really happy about the receipt of your answer, because it shows that you also cared about my problem. Additionally I learned something new, so agian, thanks :)

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