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Error when NLMPC optimization "TimeVarying" and "Adaptive" is used

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Nishanth Rao
Nishanth Rao 2021년 7월 21일
댓글: 世忠 2023년 11월 20일
I have a highly non-linear state space function comprising of 60 states, and 16 control inputs. I assume that output vector is equal to the state vector. In order to create a non-linear MPC controller, I use the function but the simulation is taking a very long time. However, in the documentation of the function, it is said that the optimization variable can be set as or , which implements a linear MPC. But when I run the code, there is an error that comes after some iterations:
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of
rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in znlmpc_getDecisions (line 30)
Umv = reshape(coredata.Iz2u*uz,nmv,p)';
Error in znlmpc_getXUe (line 30)
[X(2:p1,:), Umv(1:p1-1,:), e] = znlmpc_getDecisions(coredata, z);
Error in nlmpc/nlmpcmove (line 247)
[X, U, e] = znlmpc_getXUe(coredata, z, x, runtimedata.md);
Error in nmpc_run (line 65)
mv = nlmpcmove(nlobj, x_state, last_mv, x_ref');
Related documentation
I wanted to know why this error is coming. For your reference, I have attached the implementation of the main program:
%% Initialize the variables
%% Set Non-Linear MPC Parameters
global data;
nlobj = nlmpc(data.nx, data.ny, data.nu);
nlobj.Ts = data.Ts;
nlobj.PredictionHorizon = data.Np;
nlobj.Model.StateFcn = "state_space";
nlobj.Optimization.RunAsLinearMPC = "TimeVarying";
%nlobj.Optimization.CustomCostFcn = "cost_function";
%nlobj.Optimization.ReplaceStandardCost = true;
nlobj.Weights.OutputVariables = data.weights_OV;
%nlobj.Weights.ManipulatedVariables = data.weights_MV;
%nlobj.Weights.ManipulatedVariablesRate = data.weights_MVR;
%% Set constraints
nlobj.States(3).Max = 0;
% The rpy of payload cannot go more than 5 degrees
nlobj.States(7).Min = -pi / 36;
nlobj.States(7).Max = pi / 36;
nlobj.States(8).Min = -pi / 36;
nlobj.States(8).Max = pi / 36;
nlobj.States(9).Min = -pi / 36;
nlobj.States(9).Max = pi / 36;
% rpy of each drone cannot go more than 15 degrees
for i=37:48
nlobj.States(i).Min = -pi / 6;
nlobj.States(i).Max = pi / 6;
% Thrust force is limited between [0N, 40N]. Note the NED convention.
% Torques are limited to [-5Nm, 5Nm].
for i=1:16
if ( mod(i - 1, 4) == 0 )
nlobj.ManipulatedVariables(i).Max = 0;
nlobj.ManipulatedVariables(i).Min = -40;
nlobj.ManipulatedVariables(i).Min = -10;
nlobj.ManipulatedVariables(i).Max = 10;
%% Validate the Prediction Model
x0 = reshape(data.x_i', [], 1);
u0 = zeros(data.nu, 1);
validateFcns(nlobj, x0, u0, [], [], zeros(1, data.nx));
%% Run the MPC algorithm
Duration = 20;
data_points = 1:(Duration/data.Ts);
time = 0:data.Ts:Duration;
x_state = reshape(data.x_i', [], 1);
xHistory = x_state';
last_mv = zeros(data.nu, 1);
for ct = data_points
t_ref = linspace(ct * data.Ts, (ct + data.Np - 1) * data.Ts, data.Np);
x_ref = genRefTraj(t_ref, x_state);
mv = nlmpcmove(nlobj, x_state, last_mv, x_ref');
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) state_space(x, mv), [0 data.Ts], x_state);
last_mv = mv;
x_state = x(end, :);
%Don't forget to constrain the norm of e_i's to one.
x_state(13:15) = x_state(13:15) / norm(x_state(13:15));
x_state(16:18) = x_state(16:18) / norm(x_state(16:18));
x_state(19:21) = x_state(19:21) / norm(x_state(19:21));
x_state(22:24) = x_state(22:24) / norm(x_state(22:24));
xHistory(ct + 1, :) = x_state;
xHistory(ct + 1, 3) = xHistory(ct +1, 3) * -1;
  댓글 수: 2
Julius Wanner
Julius Wanner 2022년 1월 26일
Has this problem been solved? I am struggling with the same issue... Thank you in advance!
世忠 2023년 11월 20일
Me too. Have you two solved this problem?. I met the same error.

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