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1D plot with exciting colours

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Right Grievous
Right Grievous 2013년 9월 6일
Hi there,
I have quite a simple question, simple because I'm sure Matlab can do this easily, I just don't know how.
I want to plot some 1D data - in this case my data is a change in voltage over time. But instead of a plain line plot I want a plot where the space below the line is filled with colour. I don't really care what the colours correspond to, whether it is on a spectrum so that high voltage is coloured red and low is blue, or whether whole sections under high voltage peaks are coloured red (like a spectrogram) I would just like a visually appealing plot that uses some colour map; like this one:
Although I understand that my data are no where near as detailed as this example.
Thanks for any help,
As suggested, here are links to my data files...
  댓글 수: 2
Doug Hull
Doug Hull 2013년 9월 6일
This does not look like a 1-d plot to me, it looks like an image. What is the shape (vector, matrix, 3-d matrix) of the data you are trying to visualize?
Right Grievous
Right Grievous 2013년 9월 7일
Hi Doug,
I have basically got 2 vectors, very long, but vectors nonetheless. I'm aware that the example is probably an image - it's an output of the spectrogram function. I gave it more for an example of the colours in use, I'm looking for a 'gradient' of different colours rather than blocks of 2 or 3 colours.
Thanks for your help,

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채택된 답변

Right Grievous
Right Grievous 2013년 9월 8일
편집: Right Grievous 2013년 9월 8일
After some fiddling I have found this to be the simplest (and most visually appealing) solution, so I will post it here in it's simplest form for anyone else who seeks out this question/answer.
xdata = 1:1:100; % xaxis - such as time
ydata = rand(1,100); % example data
figure % open new figure
colordef black % give figure black background
patch(xdata,ydata,ydata,'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); % create a patch, using x and y coordinates and use the data values themselves for colourmap
% If you want to reflect your data around the xaxis with zero being blue and peaks coloured red then use these lines instead: hold on; patch(xdata,ydata,ydata,'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); patch(xdata,0-ydata,ydata,'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
A similar solution can also be achieved using the scatter function - where the marker colour is defined as your ydata values. But this approach obviously means it will be a scatter graph...

추가 답변 (1개)

A Jenkins
A Jenkins 2013년 9월 6일
I am going to assume you have a 1d vector for time and a 1d vector for voltage. If not, then please answer Doug's comment above.
Otherwise, try this:
% provide 2 arrays for your time and voltage signals
xdata=1:0.1:10; %x axis data (array of time series)
zdata=1./xdata; %z axis data (array of voltage signals)
  댓글 수: 14
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 9월 8일
That sounds like a good approach if you can get it working.
Right Grievous
Right Grievous 2013년 9월 8일
편집: Right Grievous 2013년 9월 8일
I have found a solution which gives quite a nice result (and exactly the effect I was looking for) so I have 'answered' my own question.
However, I have another question - I really want to mirror this data around the xaxis, previously I did this by subtracting the values from zero and plotting on the same figure, but now I'm not sure how to get the colours in reverse too, when I plot it this way now I get blue at the lowest negative number and red at the highest positive, I really want blue at zero and red at high negatives and positives...
I solved this too and added it to my answer. Thanks everybody for the help!

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