Add labels to dataset column that occur in a particular range.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
avantika 2013년 9월 4일
I have a dataset of time and pitch as follows :(SMALL EXAMPLE)
time pitch
3.50 360.84
3.51 330.86
3.51 340.84
3.51 370.81
3.51 400.84
3.52 410.85
3.52 440.82
3.52 470.84
3.53 480.85
The dataset is 44058x2 double. I want to add labels to pitch values as follows : if pitch is in range of -50 - 50 then add a corresponding label of SM, if pitch is in range of 50-150 then add a label of RM. The pitch range is in between -1250 to 2450, and the corresponding labels should be SL,rL,RL,gL,GL,ML,ml,PL,dL,DL,nl,NL,SM,rM,RM,gM,GM,MM,mM,PM,dM,DM,nM,NM,SU, rU,RU,gU,GU,MU,mU,PU,dU,DU,nU,NU.
Can anyone please help.
  댓글 수: 1
avantika 2013년 9월 5일
Hi! can anyone please help me out on above mentioned question.

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채택된 답변

Arthur 2013년 9월 5일
Something like this might work,assuming that your labels will cover the entire range. Put your labels in a cell array:
labels = {'SL,'rL','RL','gL','GL'}; %etcetera
now use histc to find the correct labels
edges = -1250:100:2450;
[~,bins] = histc(yourdata(:,2),edges);
yourlabels = labels(bin);
  댓글 수: 3
avantika 2013년 9월 6일
Can you also help me out with the plotting .
I would next like to plot the same data with time on x-axis and pitch on y-axis and also label each point of the graph (x,y) with corresponding notation in the third column of data-set .Also i would like to put one condition before plotting that is plot a graph from 0 -60 sec in one figure , next 61-120 sec in next figure and last 120 sec upto last sec in third figure. Write now I am using the following commands which give me a plot but I am not able to divide the data according to time into three figures.
%plot all the pitch values vs time.
ds = dataset('XLSFile', 'Deshgatcents.xlsx','sheet', 4); figure
time = ds(:,1);
pitch = ds(:,2);
l = cellstr(ds(:,3)); plot(time, pitch,'.','color','r')
text(double(time), double(pitch), l,'fontsize',6, 'color','b','horizontal','left', 'vertical','bottom');
title('notations vs time')
Arthur 2013년 9월 6일
The only thing you need to do is to find the indices of time.
idx = time >= 0 & time < 60;
Since you're going to use multiple axes here, I advice you to use axeshandles. This ensures that your data ends up in the right plot (and is faster).
hFig = figure();
hAxes = axes('Parent',hFig);
title(hAxes,'notations vs time');

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