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Does anyone explain me how pitch modification working?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Áron Laczkovits
Áron Laczkovits 2013년 9월 3일
Please somebody explain me how pitch modification working. I don't understand exactly what does it do. I got an error message about the function line. Anyone know why? I would like to pitch modify some wave files, but firstly want to know what exactly do.
Thx in advance
Here is the code:
%%Pitch modification
[x Fs nBits] = wavread(filename);
x = x(:);
sent_L = length(x);
semitone = round(semitone);
if semitone>12|semitone<-12
semitone = 0;
fprintf('semitone has to be in [-12 12], where\n ')
scale = 2^(semitone/12);
Le = 160;
S = Le/4;
overlap = Le - S;
Nframe = floor((sent_L-overlap)/S); %lefelé kerekít
Lq = round(Le*scale);
a = 0.50;
b = -0.50;
n = 1:Le;
win = sqrt(S)/sqrt((4*a^2+2*b^2)*Le)*(a+b*cos(2*pi*n/Le));
win = win(:);
n = 1:Lq;
winq = sqrt(S)/sqrt((4*a^2+2*b^2)*Lq)*(a+b*cos(2*pi*n/Lq));
winq = winq(:);
Nit = 4;
xfinal = zeros(sent_L,1);
U = sum(win)/(S);
k = 1;
kk = 1;
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for n = 1:Nframe
if k:k+Lq-1<=sent_L
frm = winq.*x(k:k+Lq-1)/U;
frm = winq.*[x(k:sent_L);zeros(Lq - (sent_L-k+1),1)]/U;
frm_resamp = resample(frm, Le, Lq);
xSTFTM = abs(fft(frm_resamp));
if k+Le-1<=sent_L
res = xfinal(k:k+e-1);
res = [xfinal(k:sent_L);zeros(Le - (sent_L-k+1),1)];
x_recon = iterated_recon(xSTFTM, res, Nit, win);
if (k+Le-1<=sent_L)
xfinal(k:k+Le-1) = xfinal(k:k+Le-1) + x_recon;
xfinal(k:sent_L) = xfinal(k:sent_L) + x_recon(1:sent_L-k+1);
k = k + S;
waitbar(n/Nframe, h)
outfile = [filename(1:end-4),'_pitch_recon.wav'];
wavwrite(xfinal, Fs, outfile);
function x_recon = iterated_recon(xSTFTM, x_res, Nit, win)
j = sqrt(-1);
for i = 1:Nit
phi = phase(fft(win.*x_res)) + randn(size(x_res))*0.01*pi;
% random phase purturbation will reduce some resonance.
x = xSTFTM.*exp(j*phi); %M-constraint
x_recon = ifft(x);
x_res = real(x_recon);
x_recon = x_res;

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 9월 3일
The part of your file before the "function" line is known in MATLAB terms as a "script". It is not allowed in MATLAB to store a "script" and a "function" in the same file. You will need to move the function into the file iterated_recon.m

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