problem with zoom in three axes

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Silvia 2013년 8월 28일
답변: Angel Garcimartín 2013년 10월 16일
I have a problem with the zoom. I have a GUI with three axes (one for the axial image, one for the sagittal image and the last for the coronal image).
when I apply a zoom in the axial image I need that the sagittal and the coronal images are also magnified in the specified area (in x must be magnified as much as the size of the axes and in y must be magnified a proportional size in order to no deform de images).
Thank you very much

답변 (1개)

Angel Garcimartín
Angel Garcimartín 2013년 10월 16일
Couldn't you use the linkaxes function?


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