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How to create and export a GIF with uifigure?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Giuseppe 2021년 6월 12일
답변: Adam Danz 2021년 6월 12일
Hi guys, I've created and interactive geographic window in my code by using the following code:
uif = uifigure;
globe= geoglobe(uif);
spheroid = referenceEllipsoid('World Geodetic System 1984');
% Trajectory of CoG
fig_traj_3D = geoplot3(globe,vLat,vLon,vAltitude,'LineStyle',"-",'LineWidth',1.2,'Color','r');
I want to export this graphic window as an animated GIF. Is it possible?
If yes, how can I do?

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021년 6월 12일
Since the animation is not controlled within a loop, I think you're stuck with using 3rd party screen recorders. I recommend screen-to-gif. It's free and simple to use: https://www.screentogif.com/

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