The way I posted my question appears to have caused some confusion. I do not have a problem implementing the desired effect myself but would like to know if this is an option within MATLAB that I'm unaware of (fairly new to MATLAB)
for uint8(1) - uint8(2) = 255, is what I want.
I basically want it to mimic my microcontroller code. If I were to write:
a = 1 - 2;
a would == 255, if a was a byte. In MATLAB a == 0;
As stated above, I have written a function to replicate this behaviour but thought that MATLAB would have this as an option. I personally would like MATLAB to mimic what would happen within a microcontroller as I use MATLAB primarily to test code that I then would convert to C for use within a microcontroller. I had some code that had an issue with rolling under at a certain condition. I could not replicate this in MATLAB due to this issue.