image formatting for paper publication

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
saima 2013년 8월 15일
Hello everyone,
I am a student working on power electronics. I worked on a simulation project and planning to publish a paper based on it.
I have prepared the draft. But, the problems is with the images added to the paper. I used MATLAB for simulation. In an image, I need to tile 6 MATLAB figures together. I copied the figures from MATLAB to MS Powerpoint to form the tiled image. But, when I use the image in the paper the lines in the image are not clear enough. I changed the format of the figure and used .tif format to enhance the resolution. But that increased the size of my paper (and also of the image) to a large extent (around 20MB) because I have 5 such images.
How can I copy the figure from MATLAB with fairly good resolution and without increasing the file size greatly? Please suggest me something!!!
-saima nujhat

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 8월 15일


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