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Help with data mapping

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
AHMED FAKHRI 2021년 6월 2일
이동: Mathieu NOE 2024년 4월 30일
Hi All
I hope you are well.
I have the following piece of code to process the data in the excel file attached ('ex1'), I want to map the output of the code E25-50, H25-50, and CCS25-50 into their respective columns in the new excel file ('Mapping') attached. Any idea please how to do it?
Note that for example CCS25 only contain 3 values according to their respective sectors. Therefore, when mapping, the values should correpsond to the correct sector in the file 'Mapping'.
Please see the attached Excel files after running the code.
[~, ~, numberandtext] = xlsread('ex1.xlsx');
E25=[ii1 num2cell(accumarray(kk1,[str{:,1}]'))];
E25(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),E25(:,2)),:) = [];
H25=[ii2 num2cell(accumarray(kk2,[str{:,3}]'))];
H25(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),H25(:,2)),:) = [];
CCS25=[ii3 num2cell(accumarray(kk3,[str{:,5}]'))];
CCS25(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),CCS25(:,2)),:) = [];
E30=[ii4 num2cell(accumarray(kk4,[str{:,7}]'))];
E30(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),E30(:,2)),:) = [];
H30=[ii5 num2cell(accumarray(kk5,[str{:,9}]'))];
H30(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),H30(:,2)),:) = [];
CCS30=[ii6 num2cell(accumarray(kk6,[str{:,11}]'))];
CCS30(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),CCS30(:,2)),:) = [];
E40=[ii7 num2cell(accumarray(kk7,[str{:,13}]'))];
E40(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),E40(:,2)),:) = [];
H40=[ii8 num2cell(accumarray(kk8,[str{:,15}]'))];
H40(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),H40(:,2)),:) = [];
CCS40=[ii9 num2cell(accumarray(kk9,[str{:,17}]'))];
CCS40(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),CCS40(:,2)),:) = [];
E50=[ii10 num2cell(accumarray(kk7,[str{:,19}]'))];
E50(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),E50(:,2)),:) = [];
H50=[ii11 num2cell(accumarray(kk8,[str{:,21}]'))];
H50(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),H50(:,2)),:) = [];
CCS50=[ii12 num2cell(accumarray(kk9,[str{:,23}]'))];
CCS50(cellfun(@(x) ~x(1),CCS50(:,2)),:) = [];

답변 (1개)

prabhat kumar sharma
prabhat kumar sharma 2024년 4월 30일
이동: Mathieu NOE 2024년 4월 30일
Hi Ahmed,
I understand you want to map your data based on sectors.
To map the output of your code (i.e., E25-50, H25-50, and CCS25-50) into their respective columns in a new Excel file ('Mapping'), you'll need to follow a series of steps.
  1. Read the 'Mapping' Excel File
[~, ~, mapping] = xlsread('Mapping.xlsx');
2. Create a Function to Map Values: You can use the below function for refrence.
function updatedMapping = mapValues(mapping, data, columnIndex)
% Assuming mapping is the content of the 'Mapping' Excel file
% data is one of your arrays like E25, H25, etc.
% columnIndex is the column in 'mapping' where the data should go
% Iterate through each row in the data array
for i = 1:size(data, 1)
sector = data{i, 1}; % The sector name
value = data{i, 2}; % The value to map
% Find the matching row in the mapping array
rowIndex = find(strcmp(mapping(:, 1), sector));
if ~isempty(rowIndex)
% If a matching row is found, update the mapping array
mapping{rowIndex, columnIndex} = value;
updatedMapping = mapping;
3. Apply the Mapping Function for Each Dataset
% Example usage for E25, assuming E25 values go in column 2
mapping = mapValues(mapping, E25, 2);
% Repeat for H25, CCS25, etc., with the correct column indices
mapping = mapValues(mapping, H25, 3);
mapping = mapValues(mapping, CCS25, 4);
4. Write the Updated Mapping Back to an Excel File
xlswrite('UpdatedMapping.xlsx', mapping);
I hope it helps!


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