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ODE with BVP problem (getting an error I do not understand)

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Joe 2013년 8월 11일
Hello I'm having trouble with a BVP question.
My code is:
function [x2,u2] = Problem3()
function dxdz = odeRHS(z,Z)
dxdz = [Z(2); Z(3); Z(4); (z-z^2)];
function bc = odeBCs(za,zb)
bc = [ za(1) za(2) zb(1) zb(4) - 0.8 ] end
solinit = bvpinit(0,0); %used bvp4c to solve the BVP Z = bvp4c(@odeRHS,@odeBCs,solinit); u2=Z.y(1,:) x2=Z.x
plot(x2, u2, 'g', 'LineWidth', 2) grid on
I keep getting these errors though.
Error using bvpinit (line 73) The entries of x must satisfy a = x(1) ~= x(end) = b.
Error in Problem3 (line 17) solinit = bvpinit(0,0);
Any help would be greatly appreciated !!

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