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How to Compute Cartesian to Polar If the ThetaZeroLocation on Top ?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hello, like the title of this question, i need to compute a Cartesian Points to Polar Point if the ThetaZeroLocation is on top.
Im using the code :
r = sqrt(x^2+y^2) %for rho
t = atan(y/x) %for theta
even im using this code :
t = atan2(y/x)
[theta,rho] = cart2pol(x,y)
the answer is still wrong. The value on rho or r is right ( but its has little different ) but the value on t or theta is wrong.
for example the data is
x = -0.00781250;
y = -9.593750000000000
so the real answer is
r = 9.605468750000000
t = 1.801263427734375e+02 % == 180.126
but i get this if im using the first code
r = 9.5938
t = 1.5700
and with the cart2pol
rho = 9.5938
theta = -1.5716
i get this data pair each other so i know the real value.
The polar graphic that i use is like this :
as you can see the zero theta location is on top and its clockwise. so how do i can compute it ?
NB : im sorry if my english is bad

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2021년 5월 7일
편집: Matt J 2021년 5월 7일
x = -0.00781250;
y = -9.593750000000000;
t = 90-atan2d(y,x) %for theta
t = 180.0467
  댓글 수: 3
Matt J
Matt J 2021년 5월 8일
t = -89.7730 and t = 270.241699218750 differ by 360 degrees. In other words, they are the same angle.
Zaidan Adenin Said
Zaidan Adenin Said 2021년 5월 9일
Oh i see. Thats right. Thanks a lot for the code Mr. Matt

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