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Creating Array Struct From excel file

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Samadrita 2013년 7월 10일
I am trying to create an appropriate array from an excel sheet. I have read the sheet with [num str]=xlsread('Book1.xlsx'); This creates Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
num 5x10 400 double
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
str 6x10 6920 cell
I would like to create a struct such that the field names coming from the row headers of str. but if i try
I get an error
Error using struct
Field names must be strings.
Please suggest a work around if you know of one. Thank you

채택된 답변

Jan 2013년 7월 10일
Your str is a cell string. Then you need curly braces:
B = struct(str{1,1}, num(:,1))

추가 답변 (1개)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013년 7월 10일
field_name = 'field_to_be';
myStruct.(field_name) = 4;
>> myStruct
myStruct =
field_to_be2: 4
  댓글 수: 3
Jan 2013년 7월 10일
@David: Instead of explaining, that we should ignore the "2", you can simply edit your question and delete it.
Samadrita 2013년 7월 10일
I am not sure if I am following this right...Should I manually name the fields? I do need it to be read off the excel sheet. If you could please explain a bit further, I would appreciate it. Thanks

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