How to do Randi with letters
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Is it possible to do the RANDI function with letters?
And you will see an example like this:
for i=1:4
r(i)= randi([1000,9999],1,1);
r= num2str(r);
fprintf('Your code is -"%s"',r)
the print look like : Your code is -"4818 3432 2773 8395"
tnx :)
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
2021년 4월 27일
편집: Jan
2021년 4월 27일
Provide a pool with valid characters and use randi() to determine the random indices:
Pool = ['A':'Z', '0':'9'];
Key = Pool(randi(numel(Pool), 1, 16));
KeyC = cellstr(reshape(Key, 4, []).');
KeyS = strjoin(KeyC, '-');
fprintf('Your code is: %s', KeyS)
% Or after creation of [Key]:
KeyS = sprintf('%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c', Key); % ugly
추가 답변 (1개)
Steven Lord
2021년 4월 27일
There's no need for the first loop since randi can create a vector of values.
r = randi([1000,9999],1,4)
Since you're using a release that includes string I'd use that.
S = string(r)
Now you can join the strings in S together.
code = "Your code is - " + join(S, " ")
There are other ways you can "do randi with letters" particularly for your first example where you wanted something like "X7S7-6S6A-Y555-U75T"
allowedChars = ['A':'Z' '0':'9'];
whichChars = randi(numel(allowedChars), [4 4]);
selectedChars = allowedChars(whichChars)
Now turn each of those vectors into strings and join them as before.
code = "Your code is - " + join(string(selectedChars), " : ")
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