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How to check the value of a varriable of a subfunction?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Shaila parvin
Shaila parvin 2013년 6월 24일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
Suppose, I've a function called creating_learning_set.
function [Instances T_target]=create_learning_set()
srcFiles = dir('colored_textures\LearningSet\cloud\*.jpg'); % the folder in which ur images exists
Iin=[]; %this hold the data as input to the neural network
Target=[]; %this holds the target or the required result for each class %we put it manully. %read the folder containing the colud images
for i = 1 : length(srcFiles)
filename = strcat('colored_textures\LearningSet\cloud\',srcFiles(i).name);
I = imread(filename); %read the image
(some lines are here)
function [F]=get_image_features(Icolored) %% get R G B components of the sub-image
R = Icolored(:,:,1);
G = Icolored(:,:,2);
B = Icolored(:,:,3);
.......... ..........
(some lines are here. )
Now I want to checked the value of R from get_image_features(Icolored) after debugging. But it shows me an error that "Error in ==> get_image_features at 5 R = Icolored(:,:,1);"
How can I do it?

답변 (1개)

Iain 2013년 6월 24일
You can use the command line option
dbstop if error
Or you can insert breakpoints inside your function to inspect (or change) the values at that point of the execution.

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