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How to use "Hotelling Transform equation" to have new 3D image representation ??!

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Hey everybody, Hope you all are doing well
I am trying to get new 3D representation of the color RGB image pixels be obtained from the Hotelling Transform equation, applying principle component analysis to finally have 3 principle component analysis.
Can any one help me through that,i don't know how to implement like such program....
Thank you

답변 (1개)

Youssef  Khmou
Youssef Khmou 2013년 6월 20일
hi Mariam,
This question should be treated by Image processing specialist, however there a link that provides some information related to that transformation ::
There is also a partially available e-Book in Google Books that analyses the transformation :
Therefore, from these two resources it is clear that you need to use the eigenvalue decomposition, with values sorted in decreasing order,
[A,B]=eig(X); % where X is the image : TO BE VERFIED
Use the Hotteling transformation : y=A(x-E[x]) such mean E[y]=0 .
Solve for A, and compute the covariance matrix of the vector y .
These steps are clearly stated in the second link ( Books google) .
I hope this helps as a first answer .


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