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Sort absolute value of matrix row in descending order, display with +,- sign along with original index value

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I have a nXm matrix with its values from user and i want to sort only absolute values of its rows in descending order and display the original values of rows in +,- sign along with its original index value in bracket in the form of a table.
ans: [6(4), -5(1), -4(2) ,2(3)]
This is the code I have written:
% generating the table of rows and columns
row = input('Enter number of rows: ');
col = input('Enter number of columns: ');
C = zeros(row ,col);
%taking values from user of matrix
for s = 1:row
for l = 1:col
str = ['Enter element in row ' num2str(s) ', col ' num2str(l) ': '];
C(s,l) = input(str);
%taking absolute values of all elements
%sorting the rows in descending order
B = sort(T,'descend');
But I am having issues with generating index and displaying it along with brackets as mentioned in above example.
Please help me.
Thank you!!

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