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How to interrupt the callback function in GUI?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Helene Cheung
Helene Cheung 2021년 3월 27일
댓글: Jan 2021년 3월 27일
In GUI programming, function btn_callback is the callback of uibuttongroup (a group of button A,B and C).
Abilities of A,B and C are start, pause and stop this function, and all of them are in the same callback.
Function btn_callback will run when click button A, but this function will pause and stop when button B and button C is clicked respectively.
When button B was clicked, the function will run from the moment that it paused if button A clicked again.
But when button C was clicked, the function will run from the beginning if button A clicked again.
  댓글 수: 1
Jan 2021년 3월 27일
It would be much easier to answer, if you post your current code. Otherwise the readers have to guess all details, e.g. of you are using GUIDE, AppDesigner or create the GUI programmatically.
It is not clear, if the callback contains some loops. or if a huge data set is processed, etc.

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