How to make only x-axis invisible (y-axis stays visible)?

조회 수: 630 (최근 30일)
Csaba 2013년 5월 23일
답변: Steven Lord 2023년 11월 27일
I have two axes (top, bottom) in a GUI. I do not want the x-axis of the top ghraph to be present (because it is the same as the bottom x-axis). I could not find how to handle separately the x and y axis visibility.

답변 (11개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2013년 5월 23일
without seeing your code, a simple way is just to set the 'xtick' property to []
  댓글 수: 3
Wayne King
Wayne King 2013년 5월 23일
Does this get closer?
set(gca,'xcolor',[1 1 1])
Csaba 2013년 5월 24일
Sorry, no. It makes the axis white but I have a picture behind the graph. So white axis (and actually any colors) are visible in my case. I do not want the x-axis at all.

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Muhammad Shah
Muhammad Shah 2018년 12월 17일
This Question is posted in 2013, but still last week got more than a thousand views, and I also needed this info, and I got very helpful information in this post, but surprizingly later I got an other solution in Matlab documentation and that was not yet here, and it is probably the smalest code, and I tested it and it worked nice, so I decided to addd it, here it is:
axis off ;
And thats it your axes are gone.
  댓글 수: 2
Csaba 2018년 12월 20일
Dear Muhammad,
First, this solution was already published (see above).
Second, in 2013 this command did not exist.
Luca Nagel
Luca Nagel 2021년 7월 8일
Dear Muhammad, thank you this was really helpful!

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Johann Riemensberger
Johann Riemensberger 2016년 10월 27일
Hi, axes('Color','none','XColor','none');
works for me Bests Johann
  댓글 수: 2
Katherine Latimer
Katherine Latimer 2016년 11월 20일
Wow after all that...thanks Johann!
Csaba 2018년 12월 25일
It does not work on the Matlab 2013. So I cannot accept this answer.

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Jorge Mariscal Harana
Jorge Mariscal Harana 2017년 7월 5일
편집: Walter Roberson 2023년 5월 27일
ax1.YAxis.Visible = 'off'; % remove y-axis
ax1.XAxis.Visible = 'off'; % remove x-axis
Hope that helps, J
  댓글 수: 3
Ankit Labh
Ankit Labh 2023년 5월 27일
How about removing only one y axis (say right side) and not both?
Florens Helfferich
Florens Helfferich 2023년 11월 27일
@Ankit Labh ax1.Box = false;
This removes both the top and right side axes, but not the left and bottom axes.

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Kyle Henderson
Kyle Henderson 2017년 12월 3일

Rini Varghese
Rini Varghese 2018년 10월 9일
편집: Rini Varghese 2022년 4월 14일
Try the following:
h = gca;
h.XAxis.Visible = 'off';
  댓글 수: 2
Cg Gc
Cg Gc 2019년 2월 14일
This works great. Thank you.
Abdul Basith Ashraf
Abdul Basith Ashraf 2019년 11월 11일
This is better
If I set
the grid will also vanish.
But with your code, the grid stays . Thanks

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John Barber
John Barber 2013년 5월 24일
This solution might be overkill, but you can get that effect with my File Exchange program 'oaxes', available here: The following will show only a y axis at the left edge of the plot:
oa = oaxes;
oa.XAxisLine = 'off';
oa.XLabel = '';
oa.YLabel = '';
oa.Arrow = 'off';
oa.Origin = [-Inf -Inf 0];
% If you want the normal y label to be visible:
ylabel('my y axis...')
This should get you close to what you are looking for. The oaxes documentation will give you more information about the properties used in the example above, including an explanation of the difference between the oaxes 'YLabel' property which is set to empty above, and the parent axes' 'YLabel' text object. The main difference in appearance I am getting is that the oaxes ticks are bidirectional (they extend out on both sides from the axes line), while a normal axes has ticks that only extend to one side. Currently, there is no way to change this in oaxes, but I might add it in a future release.

José-Luis 2013년 5월 24일
편집: José-Luis 2013년 5월 24일
h = axes;
pos = get(h,'Position');
new_h = axes('Position',pos);
linkaxes([h new_h],'y');
pos(3) = eps; %Edited here
  댓글 수: 4
Csaba 2013년 5월 27일
Yes, it works, although it is a workaround and not a solution.
Jan 2017년 11월 24일
[EDITED, moved from flag] andreas jensen wrote:
Overly complicated and doesn't work

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Chintan 2014년 5월 17일
Turn Box off, it usually works.

Martin 2016년 3월 24일
I solved something similar that way:

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023년 11월 27일
This wasn't an option when the question was originally asked, but now you can change the Visible property of the appropriate ruler object that is part of the axes. Compare the axes without the ruler being changed:
ax = axes;
plot(ax, 1:10);
with one that does have the ruler turned off.
ax2 = axes;
plot(ax2, 1:10);
% Get the ruler for the X axis
x = ax2.XAxis;
% Make it invisible
x.Visible = 'off';


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