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Trapezoidal Rule Involving Elliptical Integrals/Functions

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis 2021년 3월 1일
댓글: Mathieu NOE 2021년 3월 11일
Hi. I'm trying to write a code to integrate a function via the trapezoidal rule. I can't seem to get my graph to produce the correct output. I have attached an image of the expected output. The function I am attempting to integrate is dphi = alpha/p. I am also unsure if I used the correct formula for the trapezoidal rule, so any clarity there would be appreciated. The first figure is exactly what I am looking for but the second figure cannot produce the correct result. I don't assume any fault in the math here as plotting phi versus x should be simple. I have attempted this issue before with Matlab's integral command but it still did not produce the correct plot.
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% Limits of Integration
a = 0; b = 1; n = 100;
h = (b-a)/n;
% Prerequisites
x = linspace(0,1,n);
m = 0.999999129426574;
J = 1;
L = 0.04;
[K,E] = ellipke(m);
r = zeros(1,numel(x));
dphi = zeros(1,numel(x));
trapphi = zeros(1,numel(x));
% Function
s = 1 + 8*J^2*L^2*E*K;
t = 8*J^2*L^2*K^2;
alpha = (1/sqrt(2)*L)*sqrt(s*(s-(1-m)*t)*(s-t));
for i = 1:n-1
u = 2*J*K*x(i);
[SN] = ellipj(u,m);
r(i) = s - t + t * m * SN^2;
dphi(i) = alpha/r(i); % Function to integrate
trapphi(i) = (sum(dphi) - (dphi(i)+dphi(i+1))/2)*h;
phi(i) = mod(trapphi,2*pi);
% Plotting
figure(1) % phi versus x
plot(x,r,'-k') % r versus x
  댓글 수: 9
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis 2021년 3월 10일
Hi all, I was able to get the plots from the paper perfectly with everyone's help. My professor originally advised I use the mod function to get my phi, but that was actually bad advice. In the new code I simply adjusted phi so instead of using the mod function, it was phi/(2*pi) and that gave me the correct range. For those interested, I was able to get all of the plots in figure 4 from the paper more or less perfectly. I need to develop a better newton's method code for finding the proper m values and thus getting better results, but I digress. I have attached the final code for all of you to marvel at what you helped create. Thank you everyone.
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format long
% Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
n = 1000;
x = linspace(0,1,n);
J = input('Enter J value: ');
L = 0.04;
r = zeros(1,numel(x));
dphi = zeros(1,numel(x));
% Trapz Command Integration -----------------------------------------------
if J == 1
for i = 1:n
m = 0.999999129426574;
[K,E] = ellipke(m);
u = 2*J*K*x(i);
[SN] = ellipj(u,m);
s = 1 + 8*J^2*L^2*E*K;
t = 8*J^2*L^2*K^2;
r(i) = s - t + t * m * SN^2;
alpha = (1/(sqrt(2)*L))*sqrt(s*(s-(1-m)*t)*(s-t));
dphi(i) = alpha/r(i);
trapzphi = cumtrapz(x,dphi);
phi = mod(trapzphi,2*pi);
elseif J == 2
for i = 1:n
m = 0.997999129426574; % 0.993524799088048;
[K,E] = ellipke(m);
u = 2*J*K*x(i);
[SN] = ellipj(u,m);
s = 1 + 8*J^2*L^2*E*K;
t = 8*J^2*L^2*K^2;
r(i) = s - t + t * m * SN^2;
alpha = (1/(sqrt(2)*L))*sqrt(s*(s-(1-m)*t)*(s-t));
ialpha = abs(alpha);
dphi(i) = ialpha/r(i);
trapzphi = cumtrapz(x,dphi);
phi = trapzphi/(2*pi); % mod(trapzphi,2*pi);
% Plotting ----------------------------------------------------------------
figure(1) % r versus x
plot(x,phi,'-k') % phi versus x
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021년 3월 11일
Congrats to the team work !

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