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How to display result

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
THUONG NGUYEN VAN 2013년 5월 16일
답변: Chandan Gogoi 2017년 1월 10일
Dear all, I have a question. I would to display result in another window. for example when code running a window will appear to display position of red color X(x,y). If i want to display Y = 2*X (e.t.c) in the second window. how can I do that?
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Program Name : Red Object Detection and Tracking % % Author : Arindam Bose % % Version : 1.05 % % Description : How to detect and track red objects in Live Video % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Initialization redThresh = 0.25; % Threshold for red detection vidDevice = imaq.VideoDevice('winvideo', 1, 'YUY2_640x480', ... % Acquire input video stream 'ROI', [1 1 640 480], ... 'ReturnedColorSpace', 'rgb'); vidInfo = imaqhwinfo(vidDevice); % Acquire input video property hblob = vision.BlobAnalysis('AreaOutputPort', false, ... % Set blob analysis handling 'CentroidOutputPort', true, ... 'BoundingBoxOutputPort', true', ... 'MinimumBlobArea', 800, ... 'MaximumBlobArea', 3000, ... 'MaximumCount', 10); hshapeinsRedBox = vision.ShapeInserter('BorderColor', 'Custom', ... % Set Red box handling 'CustomBorderColor', [1 0 0], ... 'Fill', true, ... 'FillColor', 'Custom', ... 'CustomFillColor', [1 0 0], ... 'Opacity', 0.4); htextins = vision.TextInserter('Text', 'Number of Red Object: %2d', ... % Set text for number of blobs 'Location', [7 2], ... 'Color', [1 0 0], ... // red color 'FontSize', 12); htextinsCent = vision.TextInserter('Text', '+ X:%4d, Y:%4d', ... % set text for centroid 'LocationSource', 'Input port', ... 'Color', [1 1 0], ... // yellow color 'FontSize', 14); hVideoIn = vision.VideoPlayer('Name', 'Final Video', ... % Output video player 'Position', [100 100 vidInfo.MaxWidth+20 vidInfo.MaxHeight+30]); nFrame = 0; % Frame number initialization
%% Processing Loop while(nFrame < 20) rgbFrame = step(vidDevice); % Acquire single frame rgbFrame = flipdim(rgbFrame,2); % obtain the mirror image for displaying diffFrame = imsubtract(rgbFrame(:,:,1), rgb2gray(rgbFrame)); % Get red component of the image diffFrame = medfilt2(diffFrame, [3 3]); % Filter out the noise by using median filter binFrame = im2bw(diffFrame, redThresh); % Convert the image into binary image with the red objects as white [centroid, bbox] = step(hblob, binFrame); % Get the centroids and bounding boxes of the blobs centroid = uint16(centroid); % Convert the centroids into Integer for further steps rgbFrame(1:20,1:165,:) = 0; % put a black region on the output stream vidIn = step(hshapeinsRedBox, rgbFrame, bbox); % Instert the red box for object = 1:1:length(bbox(:,1)) % Write the corresponding centroids centX = centroid(object,1); centY = centroid(object,2); vidIn = step(htextinsCent, vidIn, [centX centY], [centX-6 centY-9]); end vidIn = step(htextins, vidIn, uint8(length(bbox(:,1)))); % Count the number of blobs step(hVideoIn, vidIn); % Output video stream nFrame = nFrame+1; end %% Clearing Memory release(hVideoIn); % Release all memory and buffer used release(vidDevice); % clear all; clc;
thanks in advance.

답변 (2개)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013년 5월 16일
Use the {}Code option, please, that would help a lot in telling code from comment.
Did you try
before displaying the second figure?

Chandan Gogoi
Chandan Gogoi 2017년 1월 10일
just before the end of while loop.By storing this value to a variable,you can use this value for any purpose like transferring it to arduino,then show it with the help of lcd...etc.etc


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