simplification of an algebraic equation

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hari Kishore
Hari Kishore 2013년 5월 15일
This equation is output of a matlab program.please suggest method To get simplified equation form i.e,simple co efficents for different order.
q0 - 0.00784*q1*(94.1*q0^2 + 368.0*q1^2 + 149.0*q2^2) + 0.00344*q1*(1511.0*q0^2 + 5900.0*q1^2 + 2400.0*q2^2) + 0.0902*q0*(106.0*q0^2 + 175.0*q1^2 + 74.7*q2^2) - 1.45*10^(-4)*q2*(- 2044.0*q0^2 + 2199.0*q1^2 + 711.0*q2^2) - 0.103*q0*(2488.0*q0^2 + 2011.0*q1^2 + 934.0*q2^2) + 3.2*10^(-4)*q2*(2488.0*q0^2 + 2011.0*q1^2 + 934.0*q2^2)

채택된 답변

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 5월 15일
syms q0 q1 q2
e=q0 - 0.00784*q1*(94.1*q0^2 + 368.0*q1^2 + 149.0*q2^2) + 0.00344*q1*(1511.0*q0^2 + 5900.0*q1^2 + 2400.0*q2^2) + 0.0902*q0*(106.0*q0^2 + 175.0*q1^2 + 74.7*q2^2) - 1.45*10^(-4)*q2*(- 2044.0*q0^2 + 2199.0*q1^2 + 711.0*q2^2) - 0.103*q0*(2488.0*q0^2 + 2011.0*q1^2 + 934.0*q2^2) + 3.2*10^(-4)*q2*(2488.0*q0^2 + 2011.0*q1^2 + 934.0*q2^2)
  댓글 수: 1
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 5월 15일
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추가 답변 (1개)

Hari Kishore
Hari Kishore 2013년 5월 15일
azzi abdelmalek sir, please suggest a method to solve my previous query. link for that query is


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