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State Space in lsim keeps returning 'Matrix dimensions must agree'

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
A = [1 0 0 0; 0 -1 0 0; 0 0 -2 0; 0 0 0 -3];
B = [1 0; -1 1; 0 -1; 1 -1];
C = eye(4);
D = 0;
X0 = [-2; -1; 1; 2];
EvA = eig(A);
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
AT = transpose(A)
BT = transpose(B)
t = linspace(0,3);
t0 = 0;
tfinal = 3;
Wc = integral(@(t) integrand(t,t0,A,B),t0,tfinal,'ArrayValued',true);
IW = inv(Wc)
phi = exp(AT.*(-t));
u = -BT*phi*IW*X0;
lsim(sys, u, t, X0)
grid on
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in HW3_1 (line 17)
phi = exp(AT.*(-t));
I know it has to do with t, so any recommendations?

채택된 답변

Anthony Sirico
Anthony Sirico 2021년 2월 12일
t has to be 1x4.

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