Create time intervals of a time vector

조회 수: 30 (최근 30일)
Lu 2011년 5월 14일
Hi everyone!
I´m trying to create 15-minute intervals of a time vector. My original time vector is as follows:
up to the closing hour of the exchange
Is there anyway I could reduce this time vector to just something like :
up until the closing of the exchange
I would really appreciate any help, because I have been trying first to convert the time vector into numeric data and from that calculating the 15-minute intervals, but from there I don´t know how to bring it back to a time vector format. Especially because I am also computing 15-minute intervals of stock prices and I need to have it all together in a matrix of file together like this :
All=[Date Time Stock Price]
Once again thank you very much and have a very nice weekend :)

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Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011년 5월 14일
Vector of 9:00 - 17:30 with 15 mins increments (24 hours a day, 96 quarters a day)
dv = 9/24:1/96:17/24+2/96;
Visualize result
ans =
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
5:30 PM
If you want to apply the solution to a range of days (eventually excluding saturdays and sundays):
1. Initial and final date
infi = {'15/01/2011'
days = infi(1):infi(2);
infi = datenum(infi,'dd/mm/yyyy');
2. Exclude sundays and saturdays (uncomment)
% days = days(~ismember(weekday(days),[1 7]));
3. Add dv
out = bsxfun(@plus, days, dv.');
4. Visualize result
  댓글 수: 4
Lu 2011년 5월 14일
Dear Oleg,
Thank you so much for your help! I still don´t know what to do, because as you say, I have several days for several securities, and I need kind of an efficient way of visualizing the data set as
Day Hour Stock Price1 Price 2
and I guess saving my output as a .mat files seems a bit easier for me because I have so much trouble loading .txt files using textscan :S. Is there a way of going back from numeric dates to normal dates?
Have a nice weekend!! :)
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011년 5월 14일
You can plot the series with the numeric dates and then use datetick to adapt to convert the labels to the desired date format (more feasible than scroolling down a cell array)
In general, to convert the numeric date to stringdate use datestr.
If you have troubles with textscan, open a new thread, post the first lines of your file, the code you're using (formatted), any error and the request for what you're trying to achieve.

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