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How can we solve following problem? how can i use dsolve for like this case?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
My MATLAB code is :
clc,clear all
syms x y
k = input('required function:');
a = input('Enter initial value of x, a: ');
alpha = input('Enter the initial value of y, alpha: ');
b = input('Enter required point, b: ');
n = input('Enter no. of subintervals, n: ');
h = (b-a)/n;
t=[a zeros(1,n)];
w=[alpha zeros(1,n)];
for i = 1:n+1
fprintf('%5.4f %11.8f\n', t(i), w(i));
grid on;
xlabel('t values'); ylabel('w values');
syms y(x)
%The given ordinary differential equation is
%The initial condition is
%The solution of given ordinary differential equation is
disp('The solution of given ODE is') %for display something in command %window
But when we see in my output screen,we see :
required function:(8*x)-(4*x*y)
f =
Inline function:
f(x,y) = x.*8.0-x.*y.*4.0
Enter initial value of x, a: 0
Enter the initial value of y, alpha: 1
Enter required point, b: 0.1
Enter no. of subintervals, n: 10
0.0000 1.00000000
0.0100 1.00000000
0.0200 1.00040000
0.0300 1.00119968
0.0400 1.00239824
0.0500 1.00399440
0.0600 1.00598641
0.0700 1.00837205
0.0800 1.01114861
0.0900 1.01431293
0.1000 1.01786140
ode(x) =
diff(y(x), x) == 8*x - 4*x*y
cond =
y(0) == 1
The solution of given ODE is
Error using mupadengine/feval_internal (line 172)
Expecting an ODE in the specified variable.
Error in dsolve>mupadDsolve (line 328)
T = feval_internal(symengine,'symobj::dsolve',sys,x,options);
Error in dsolve (line 183)
sol = mupadDsolve(args, options);
Error in kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (line 30)
What is the problem of my code?please correct me

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