How to plot polygon from shapefile in Matlab

조회 수: 46 (최근 30일)
Yoni Verhaegen -WE-1718-
Yoni Verhaegen -WE-1718- 2021년 1월 23일
답변: MathWorks Support Team 2023년 7월 11일
Hi all,
I have the following polygon, which should represent the borders of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg.
I am however not able to plot these using Matlab on top of an imagesc. Can anyone help me? The file is in attachment.
T=shaperead('BENELUX_POLYGON.shp','usegeo', true);
Thanks already

답변 (2개)

Deepak Meena
Deepak Meena 2021년 1월 29일
Hi Yoni ,
shaperead only Read vector features and attributes from shapefile, it won't plot those data.
To plot those shapefile you need to use mapshow. I tried this on my end :
T=shaperead('BENELUX_POLYGON.shp','usegeo', true);
and I got the following result :

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2023년 7월 11일
As of R2021b, you can read the shapefile with readgeotable and plot the data with geoshow:
T = readgeotable('BENELUX_POLYGON.shp');
In addition, you can plot the image data as a raster object using geoshow, provided you have a raster reference object.

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