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Unprotect excel file from matlab

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
MatlabFan 2013년 4월 16일
Hi, I am using the ProtecStatus2 file from the File Exchange to open a protected excel file. It doesn't work.
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
Excel.visible = 1;
Woorkbooks = get( Excel, 'Workbooks' );
invoke(Woorkbooks, 'open', [pwd 'Book1.xlsx']);
ProtecStatus2(Excel, 'DONOTBREAK');
Error using
Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: Microsoft Excel
Description: Sorry, we couldn't find C:\Users\Cedric\Desktop\Learning
GUIBook1.xlsx. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?
Help File: xlmain11.chm
Help Context ID: 0
Error in PassUnprotect (line 4)
invoke(Woorkbooks, 'open', [pwd 'Book1.xlsx']);
I also tried using the xlsprotect function from the File Exchange, But, it also doesn't work even after I use xlsread.
Error using
Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: Microsoft Excel
Description: Sorry, we couldn't find C:\Users\Cedric\Desktop\Learning
GUI\Book1.xls. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?
Help File: xlmain11.chm
Help Context ID: 0
Error in xlsxprotect (line 120)
Workbook =
Error in PassUnprotect (line 3)
What is going on here?
It has been a month that I've tried to figure this out, and I am really depressed.
Please help me, I need anyone's help.
I am getting nuts about this.
  댓글 수: 5
Ahmed A. Selman
Ahmed A. Selman 2013년 4월 18일
What version of Windows (or any other OS) you're using? Perhaps removing the directory entirely to another (safer) place, say, D:\, might solve the issue. I think it's all about permission to change contents of some file in a Windows protected directory (\Users, in this case), and it's a common behavior of Windows 7.
Besides, you've used (book1.xls) and (Book1.xlsx) in the question above. I think you recognize that filename extension .xls is (excel 2003 down), and .xlsx is (excel 2007 up).
MatlabFan 2013년 4월 18일
Thans Ahmed, yes, I'm using Windows 7. Talking about permissions? I did not protect any directory, so I don't think that it is a permission to change problem. And yes, I do recognize that .xls is (excel 2003 down), and .xlsx is (excel 2007 up). But, I had changed all the xls. in the original xlsprotect code to xlsx., and only (so that you guys wouldn't raise this issue) when presenting to you my problem did I change all the xlsx. in the error message to xls., and obviously changed all of them but one. I did this because the version of excel on my computer is the 2013 edition. This xlsprotect function is just not working.

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답변 (1개)

Friedrich 2013년 4월 17일
편집: Friedrich 2013년 4월 17일
the error you get:
Sorry, we couldn't find C:\Users\Cedric\Desktop\Learning
suggests a missing \ after GUI, doesnt it? Generating a path with [pwd 'Book1.xlsx'] is always a bad idea. Better is to use
When you did xlsread the path seems to be correct:
Sorry, we couldn't find C:\Users\Cedric\Desktop\Learning
However there is an x missing at the end, doesnt it? Book1.xlsX <=
  댓글 수: 1
MatlabFan 2013년 4월 17일
I appreciate that you care to help,but No, I took care of it. I actually went into the code and changed all the xls to xlsx, and now so that you wouldn't get confused, I changed it back to xls when asking the question, except for the one you detected. Nevermind, when using a different computer that has the excel version format under xls, I still get the same problem.

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