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How to use trained net with 3 inputs and 1 target

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Emirhan Solmaz
Emirhan Solmaz 2021년 1월 6일
답변: Emirhan Solmaz 2021년 1월 24일
Hi. i trained a time series neural network with 3 input column (3x500) and 1 target column (1x500) datas and with 10 neurons and 2 delay. Then saved it as "net"file. Now i want to use it with another set of example data (3x200) to get output data (1x200) ,thus, i can compare it with the actual data (1x200).
I used "sim(net,ExData)" command but i got "Number of inputs does not match net.numInputs." error.
Then i searched in forum and tried various things including transpose of ExData. I couldnt find a solution via looking to the help section of Matlab for different commands as well. So can you help me on this please.

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Emirhan Solmaz
Emirhan Solmaz 2021년 1월 24일
a couple of days later, i found the solution which is very very easy. just delete the first rows as much as the delays you give. for me it was 2 rows since the delay was 2. btw, dont forget transpose.

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