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Define variable inputs for 'merge' function

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Goryn 2013년 3월 28일
could you please help me with the next problem.
I'm trying to merge N financial time series objects by function newfts = merge(fts1, fts2, ..., ftsx). How may I define a variable inputs for that? Because, when I have 2 time seriesobjects it becomes:
newfts = merge(fts1, ft2);
When I have 3:
newfts = merge(fts1, fts2, fts3);
How to avoid of examination of all posible options?
ATTENTION! Please, don't suggest to use a cell array
and use
function newfts = merge(v)
It doesn't work.

채택된 답변

Jan 2013년 3월 28일
편집: Jan 2013년 3월 28일
It is strange, that you do not want us to post the best solution by using a cell array. Unfortunately you only claim, that "it does not work", but do not mention any details. Of course it works, when you add a little "{:}":
v = {fts1,fts2,...,ftsn}
newfts = merge(v{:})
Then merge() gets a comma-separated list exactly as if you call it as:
newfts = mergs(fts1, fts2, fts3); % Or how many elements v contains
In addition using a cell is a much better idea than naming the variables "fts1, fts2, ...". Using fts{k} would be more convenient, see http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/57445-faq-how-can-i-create-variables-a1-a2-a10-in-a-loop.

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