Switch/Case and operators

조회 수: 34 (최근 30일)
googo 2013년 3월 25일
댓글: samaneh 2021년 5월 23일
I running this code and and I don't understand why it is writing me that x is less than y... can you help me figure this out?
>> x = 222, y = 3;
switch x
case x==y
disp('x and y are equal');
case x>y
disp('x is greater than y');
disp('x is less than y');
x =x =
x is less than y
  댓글 수: 3
Nitigya Joshi
Nitigya Joshi 2021년 3월 2일
samaneh 2021년 5월 23일
Dear Googo,
The resullt of Relational Operators is Boolean meaning it takes value 1 for true and 0 for false. Hence case can only be 0 or 1 in your code, which is not desired velue for your x. That's why "otherwise" and "disp('x is less than y');" will be executed for any value of your x and y.
The solution is that, you put x beside of your Relational Operators to keep the value of the x, such as bellow.
>> x = 222, y = 3;
switch x
case x*(x==y)
disp('x and y are equal');
case x*(x>y)
disp('x is greater than y');
disp('x is less than y');
%%%%%% Result %%%%%
x =
x is greater than y

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채택된 답변

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 3월 25일
편집: Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 3월 25일
In your case you should use if/elseif
x = 222, y = 3;
if x==y
disp('x and y are equal');
elseif x>y
disp('x is greater than y');
disp('x is less than y');
  댓글 수: 2
googo 2013년 3월 25일
Thanks for the comment! But it will be a little bit long because I need to check a specific date if the year is less then 1000 or 100 or 10 and put 3/2/1 zeros before respectivlly.. for example 1/1/800 will be 1/1/0800 same for the days and the month, if the month is less than 10... any way to shorten this out? if not... I guess I can write a number of if's but maybe there is another suggestion... thank you very much...
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 3월 25일
This is not clear

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추가 답변 (3개)

Jan 2013년 3월 25일
Don't do this. Let sprintf care about leading zeros:
a = [1,2,800];
sprintf('%d/%d/%04d', a);

Benhur Tekeste
Benhur Tekeste 2019년 2월 14일
Hi, there.
From my point of view, the resullt of comparison operation is Boolean meaning it takes value 1 for true and 0 for false. Hence first the relational operation besides the case is evaluated and then compared to the expression besides the switch.
x = 222, y = 3;
switch x
case x==y % once the program runs, it will find that x is not equal to y meaning it is false and it
has value of zero. And zero is not equal to the value of x therefore it willnot
execute this body.
disp('x and y are equal');% same here too but x is greater than y it is true and has value of 1 but
1 is not equal to 222 therefore body in otherwise is executed
case x>y
disp('x is greater than y');
disp('x is less than y');
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019년 2월 14일
change the switch x to switch true and then it will work.

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thejas av
thejas av 2021년 5월 20일
편집: Walter Roberson 2021년 5월 20일
case 1
if(d>=1 && d<=19)
message = sprintf('\noptimistic, lovers of freedom, hilarious, fair-minded, honest and intellectual. \nThey are spontaneous and fun, usually with a lot of friends');
%data=text( message, 'FontSize',12, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
text(-1800,800,message, 'FontSize',9, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
message = sprintf('\nThey are ambitious, organized, practical, goal-oriented, and they do not mind the hustle.\n“They are ready to give up a lot in order to achieve that goal,” Verk says. \nThey also love making their own rules, which means they strive to reach high career positions.');
%data=text( message, 'FontSize',12, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
text(-1800,800,message, 'FontSize',9, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
case 2
if(d>=1 && d<=19)
message = sprintf('\nThey are ambitious, organized, practical, goal-oriented, and they do not mind the hustle.\n“They are ready to give up a lot in order to achieve that goal,” Verk says. \nThey also love making their own rules, which means they strive to reach high career positions.');
%data=text( message, 'FontSize',12, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
text(-1800,800,message, 'FontSize',9, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
message = sprintf('\n Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian\nRuns from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof\nFun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener\n Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them.');
%data=text( message, 'FontSize',12, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
text(-1800,800,message, 'FontSize',9, 'Color', [.6 .2 .6]);
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 5월 20일
It is not clear how this is relevant to the Question ?

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