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cell2mat not working when cells are different lengths and what to find combinations

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I want to obtain a matrix with all the player Vs player combinations. Whe i have my players names A, B, C and D the code below works perfectly. However whe i give my players names such as Alice, Ben, Cody and David the following code does not work. Is there something i can add to make it work?
function[changes] = calculating_changes(rating,position)
changes = containers.Map;
for player = keys(rating)
changes(player{1}) = 0;
%cell2mat converts the cell array to an ordinary array
%puts the changes in a list with their corresponding player
match_table = nchoosek(all_players,2)
%nchoosek is used to get a marix with all player vs player combinations
This code the output as followed when using ABCD I'd like it to do the same but with names not letters
all_players =
match_table =
6×2 char array

답변 (1개)

Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2020년 12월 9일
Form my understanding you want to obtain a matrix with all the player Vs player combinations. But since player name might not be of same lenght, you can create a player Vs player cell array. This can be done by removing
and replacing
match_table = nchoosek(all_players,2)
match_table = nchoosek(keys(rating),2)
If you want you can convert "match_table" to any format you like. Refere cell2mat and nchoosek for more information.


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