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Dice game random number change

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Raz134 2020년 12월 5일
편집: Rik 2020년 12월 8일
Hello, i created a game where u can guess the number of a random dice throw. I just have the problem that i cannot be able to change the random number. I tried to change the random number in the last elseif but it doesnt seem to change the value of the first random value created.
Optimal would be if the random dice throw number would change after every guess.
Where is my problem?
My code
play = input('Do guess the number of a thrown dice? und 6 raten? press 1 for yes and 0 for no:');
if play ~= 1
helpdlg('Ok bye')
highestNumb = 6;
compNumb = randi([1 highestNumb],1,1);
rightguess = 0;
wrongguess = 0;
usersGuess = input('What number do you pick? ');
trys = 6;
while play == 1 && usersGuess ~= 0 && trys > 0
if usersGuess < compNumb
usersGuess = input('You guessed too low. Enter your next guess, or 0 to quit : ');
wrongguess = wrongguess + 1;
trys = trys -1;
elseif usersGuess > compNumb
usersGuess = input('You guessed too high. Enter your next guess, or 0 to quit : ');
wrongguess = wrongguess + 1;
trys = trys -1;
elseif usersGuess == compNumb
compnumb = randi([1 highestNumb],1,1);
usersGuess = input('You guess right! What is your next pick? : ');
rightguess = randi([1 highestNumb],1,1);
trys = trys - 1;
if wrongguess == 6
disp('Wow Sie haben nie richtig geraten, mein Beileid')
elseif rightguess >= 2
disp ('Gratulation sie haben mehr als 2 mal richtig geraten')

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 12월 5일
elseif usersGuess == compNumb
compnumb = randi([1 highestNumb],1,1);
You are comparing to compNumb with a capital N, but you assign the new number to compnumb with a lower-case n.
  댓글 수: 1
Raz134 2020년 12월 5일
thank you, i missed that

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