using mex for C
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I have a program in C that works and I would like to run MatLab in order to process data quickly and immediately.
I tried the following syntax, and Matlab by typing mex COSENO.C, it gives me:
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2008A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: 'COSENO.C' not found.
??? Error using ==> mex at 207 Unable to complete successfully.
Où je dois mettre le fichier est ce qu'il y a d'autres changements à faire dans le programme.
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
# include <math.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <alloc.h>
# include <io.h>
float disco (char fichero[], int nfil, int ncol, int control,
char huge *a, int tipo);
void ordena ( float huge *mod, long huge *orden, long int nd );
void main(void)
char arch[30],arch0[30],arch1[30],archi[30];
float huge *i;
float huge *i1;
float huge *masque;
long huge *qq;
float pi, th, sumpos, sumneg, delta;
int dim, j;
long n2, n1, cont=0;
long int p1, p2, p3, p4;
printf(" dimension du fichier: ");
n2=(long)dim * (long)dim ;
p1 = 0L; p2 = (long)(dim/2);
p3 = (long)dim* p2;
p4 = p3 + p2;
qq=farcalloc(n2,sizeof(long int));
if ( i== NULL || i1== NULL || qq==NULL || masque==NULL){
printf ( "\n\a\a no hay memoria ");
goto fin;
printf(" la valeur seuille th: ");
printf(" donner le nom de la phase a analyser: ");
if(j!=1) goto fin;
printf(" donner l'amplitude de l'objet a discriminer: ");
if(j!=1) goto fin;
printf(" donner le nom du masque optimal: ");
for( n1=0; n1<n2; n1++ ){
i1[n1] *= (float)cos( (double)i[n1] );
masque[n1] = 1;
masque[p1] = masque[p2] = masque[p3] = masque[p4] = 0;
i1[p1] = i1[p2] = i1[p3] = i1[p4] = 0;
ordena ( i1, qq, n2 );
n1=0; sumpos = sumneg = 0;
while (i1[ qq[n1] ] >0) {
sumpos += i1[ qq[n1] ];
for(; n1<n2; n1++) sumneg += i1[ qq[n1] ];
delta = sumpos + sumneg;
if( delta < 0 && fabs((double)delta) > th ) {
while ( delta < 0 && fabs((double)delta) > th ){
masque[ qq[n1] ] = 0;
delta -= i1[ qq[n1] ];
n1--; cont++;
delta -= i1[ qq[n1] ];
n1--; cont++;
} else if ( delta > th ){
while ( delta > th ){
masque[ qq[n1] ] = 0;
delta -= i1[ qq[n1] ];
n1++; cont++;
delta -= i1[ qq[n1] ];
n1++; cont++;
gotoxy(10, 10);
printf("Number of blocked pixels = %ld, %f",
cont+4L, (float)(cont+4L)/(float)n2);
gotoxy(10, 14);
printf("threshold = %f, delta = %f", th, delta);
if(j!=1) goto fin;
farfree((void far*)i);
farfree((void far *)i1);
farfree((void far *)masque);
farfree((void far *)qq);
/* ORDENA */
/* classés du plus grand au plus petit des éléments*/
/* vecteur mod[]. L'ordre des éléments*/
/* donnée dans la matrice orden[]. orden[0] nous donne*/
/* élément m maximum, orden[1] ce qui suit, ... */
/* orden[nd-1] l'élément m de petites*/
void ordena ( float huge *mod, long huge *orden, long int nd )
long kac, kfin, k, k1, o, p, p1;
kfin = nd-1;
do {
k = -1; kac = 0; k1 = 0;
do {
k++; k1++;
if ( mod[ orden[k] ] < mod[ orden[k1] ] ){
o = orden[k]; orden[k] = orden[k1]; orden[k1] = o;
kac = k1; p = k; p1 = k-1;
while ( p1>0 ) {
if( mod[orden[p]] > mod[orden[p1]] ){
o = orden[p]; orden[p] = orden[p1]; orden[p1] = o;
p--; p1--;
} else p1 =0;
} while ( k1 < kfin );
kfin = kac; printf("\n %ld", kfin);
} while ( kfin > 1 );
* *
* *
* ======= *
* *
* Numéros, le transfert de routine de tout type de*
* mémoire variable sur un disque ou un disque*
* à une variable de la mémoire. *
* *
* --------- *
* *
* Paramètre: *
* *
* fichero - Nom du fichier disque. *
* nfil, ncol - Nombre de lignes et de colonnes. *
* control - 1 pour lire le fichier. *
* 2 d'enregistrer dans le fichier. *
* a - pointeur vers une variable. *
* tipo - nombre d'octets par élément variable. *
* *
* *
float disco (char fichero[], int nfil, int ncol, int control,
char huge *a, int tipo)
long int n, cont, ng;
int unidad, j, cociente, resto;
if (control == 1) {
if ((unidad = open (fichero,1)) == -1) {
return (-1);
cont = (long) nfil * (long) ncol * tipo;
resto = cont % 32768;
cociente = cont / 32768;
for (j = 0, n = 0; j < cociente; j++,n += 32768)
_read (unidad, (char*)&a[n], 32768);
_read (unidad, (char*)&a[n], resto);
close (unidad);
return (1);
if (control == 2) {
if ((unidad = creat (fichero, 200)) == -1) {
return (-1);
cont = (long) nfil * (long) ncol * tipo;
resto = cont % 32768;
cociente = cont / 32768;
ng = 0;
for (j = 0, n = 0; j < cociente; j++, n += 32768)
ng = ng + (unsigned) _write (unidad, (char*)&a[n], 32768);
ng = ng + (unsigned) _write (unidad, (char*)&a[n], resto);
if (ng != cont) {
return (0);
close (unidad);
return (1);
return (0);
댓글 수: 0
답변 (4개)
2011년 5월 3일
Your C-file does not contain the function "mexFunction", but ou need one as gateway. But this does not explain why "mex CENTRE.C" searches for the file "COSENO.C". What is "COSENO.C"?
댓글 수: 2
Eric Moore
2011년 5월 15일
I think it does, it looks like he's taken his working C program and placed it inside of the { } defining the body of the mexFunction function.
Matt Fig
2011년 5월 3일
Is the name of your file saved on disk as COSENO.C (capitalized and all)?
댓글 수: 0
nomad nomad
2011년 5월 3일
댓글 수: 1
Kaustubha Govind
2011년 5월 3일
When you type the following at the MATLAB prompt:
>> !cd
Does it return the same path as the current directory in MATLAB?
nomad nomad
2011년 5월 3일
댓글 수: 2
Matt Fig
2011년 5월 3일
Please respond to answers by using the comments, not by posting multiple new 'answers' which do not actually answer the original question...
Kaustubha Govind
2011년 5월 4일
Is "C:\Users\Adil\Documents\MATLAB" where your source file is present? If yes, please paste the response of:
>> mex -v COSENO.C
Also, like Matt Fig previously asked - is your MEX-file really saved as COSENO.C?
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